1 Introduction

Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) public keys are, in an abstract sense, triples \((A, x_P, x_Q) \in \mathbb {F}_{p^2}^3\) where A specifies an elliptic curve in Montgomery form \(E: y^2 = x^3 + Ax^2 + x\), and \(x_P, x_Q\) are the x-coordinates of points PQ on E (which in turn are the images of fixed points on a certain starting curve through a private prime-power-degree isogeny).

Although such triples naively take \(6\lg p\) bits of storage or bandwidth, better representations are known. Since PQ are chosen to be in torsion subgroups of form \(E[\ell ^{m}]\) with \(m\lg \ell \approx (1/2)\lg p\), they can be represented on some conventional public \(\ell ^{m}\)-torsion basis (RS) in E by four coefficients from \(\mathbb {Z}/\ell ^{m} \mathbb {Z}\), namely \(P = [a]R + [b]S\) and \(Q = [c]R + [d]S\), so that the public key becomes \((A, a, b, c, d) \in \mathbb {F}_{p^2} \times (\mathbb {Z}/\ell ^{m} \mathbb {Z})^4\) and the key bandwidth decreases to about \(2\lg p + 4\cdot (1/2)\lg p = 4\lg p\) bits [2]. Besides, for SIDH-style protocols only the subgroup \(\langle P, Q\rangle \) is actually relevant, not the points PQ themselves. This redundancy can be exploited for further compression, since only three out of those four point coefficients above are needed to specify that subgroup. Thus, each key is essentially represented by a tuple \((A, a, b, c)\in \mathbb {F}_{p^2} \times (\mathbb {Z}/\ell ^{m} \mathbb {Z})^3\) (plus one bit to identify which coefficient is omitted). This finally brings the key size down to \(3.5\lg p\) bits, nearly halving the naive requirements above [5]. At the time of writing, this appears to be the minimum attainable (and hence optimal) bandwidth per key.

This size reduction, however, incurs a high computational overhead. Existing research works [2, 5, 11, 17, 18] have achieved substantial improvements, but they all rely on the computation of bilinear pairings to project (non-cyclic) elliptic discrete logarithm instances into the multiplicative group of units in \(\mathbb {F}_{p^2}^*\), where variants of the Pohlig-Hellman algorithm [13] are effectively applied. Precomputed tables can substantially speed up pairing computations [11], but at the cost of increasing storage requirements, compounding with those incurred by the computation of discrete logarithms. More recently a work on reducing the storage component has been proposed [9].

Despite all improvements, pairing computation has consistently remained the efficiency bottleneck in all of those works (specially the case \(\ell =2\) per [11]).

Our Contribution: We describe how to compute discrete logarithms as required to obtain the four abcd coefficients (which can then be reduced down to three in the usual fashion) via tailored ECDLP instances without resorting to pairings. Our proposed method relies almost entirely on arithmetic for elliptic curve points defined over \(\mathbb {F}_p\) for the discrete logarithm computation itself. Arithmetic over \(\mathbb {F}_{p^2}\) is only ever needed in evaluating very simple and efficient maps between curves and groups, and to complete partially computed logarithms. Precomputation trade-offs are possible in the same way as they are for discrete logarithms on \(\mathbb {F}_{p^2}^*\), and if adopted, only the tables for a single, fixed, public group generator are needed for each value of \(\ell \). Moreover, we show how to halve the storage requirements of windowed computation of discrete logarithm when the index of the prime-power group order is not a multiple of the window size.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2 we define the fundamental notions and notations our proposal is based upon. We recap the basic Pohlig-Hellman algorithm in Sect. 3, and then we discuss the improvements made possible by the adoption of strategy graphs and propose several associated techniques in Sect. 4. We introduce our methods to compute elliptic curve discrete logarithms efficiently as required for SIDH key compression in Sect. 5, and assess its performance in Sect. 6. Finally, we discuss the results and conclude in Sect. 7.

2 Preliminaries

Consider a prime \(p = 2^{e_2} \cdot q^{e_q} - 1\) for some \(e_2 \ge 2\), some \(e_q > 0\) and some small odd prime q (typically \(q = 3\)). We will represent the finite field \(\mathbb {F}_{p^2} \simeq \mathbb {F}_p[i]/\langle i^2 + 1\rangle \). Also, we will be mostly concerned with supersingular elliptic curves in Montgomery form \(E: x^3 + Ax^2 + x\) with \(A \in \mathbb {F}_{p^2}\) (or \(A \in \mathbb {F}_p\) in a few cases). When required for clarity, the curve defined by a particular value of A will be denoted \(E_A\).

Let \(P, Q \in E[\ell ^{e_\ell }]\) with \(\ell \in \{2,q\}\). We say that P is above Q if \(Q = [\ell ^j]P\) for some \(0 < j \leqslant e_\ell \).

The trace map on \(E/\mathbb {F}_{p}\) is the linear map \(\text {tr}: E(\mathbb {F}_{p^2}) \rightarrow E(\mathbb {F}_p)\) defined as \(\text {tr}(P) := P + \varPhi (P)\), where \(\varPhi : E(\mathbb {F}_{p^2}) \rightarrow E(\mathbb {F}_{p^2})\) is the Frobenius endomorphism, \(\varPhi (x, y) := (x^p, y^p)\). If \(P \in E(\mathbb {F}_p)\), then \(\text {tr}(P) = [2]P\). Conversely, if \(\text {tr}(P) = [2]P\), then \(P \in E(\mathbb {F}_p)\).

A distortion map is an endomorphism \(\psi : E \rightarrow E\) such that \(\psi (P) \not \in \langle P\rangle \). Efficiently computable distortion maps are hard to come by for most curves [8], but the special curve \(E_0\) is equipped with a simple one, namely, \(\psi : E_0 \rightarrow E_0\) defined as \(\psi (x, y) := (-x, iy)\) in the Weierstrass and Montgomery models, or \(\psi (x, y) := (ix, 1/y)\) in the Edwards model. Notice that \(\psi ^{-1} = -\psi \), since \(\psi (\psi (x, y)) = (x, -y) = -(x, y)\). Besides, if \(P \in E(\mathbb {F}_p)\) then \(\text {tr}(\psi (P)) = \mathcal {O}\), as one can see by directly computing \(\text {tr}(\psi (x, y)) = \text {tr}(-x, iy) = (-x, iy) + ((-x)^p, (iy)^p) = (-x, iy) + (-x, -iy) = (-x, iy) - (-x, iy) = \mathcal {O}\). For convenience we also define the isomorphism \(\tilde{\psi }: E_A \rightarrow E_{-A}\) that maps \(\tilde{\psi }(x, y) := (-x, iy)\) in the Weierstrass and Montgomery models, and \(\tilde{\psi }(x, y) := (ix, 1/y)\) in the Edwards model.

An isogeny between two elliptic curves E and \(E'\) over a field \(\mathbb {K}\) is a morphism \(\varphi : E(\overline{\mathbb {K}}) \rightarrow E'(\overline{\mathbb {K}})\) specified by rational functions, \(\varphi (x, y) = (r(x), s(x)y)\) for some \(r, s \in \mathbb {K}[x]\), satisfying \(\varphi (\mathcal {O}_E)=\mathcal {O}_{E'}\). Writing \(r(x) = n(x)/d(x)\) for \(n, d \in \mathbb {K}[x]\) with \(\gcd (n, d) = 1\), the degree of \(\varphi \) is \(\deg \varphi := \max \{\deg n, \deg d\}\). For short, if \(\deg \varphi = g\) we say that \(\varphi \) is a g-isogeny. If r(x) is non-constant, \(\varphi \) is said to be separable, in which case \(\deg \varphi = \#\ker \varphi = \#\{P \in E \mid \varphi (P) = \mathcal {O}\}\). An isogeny is said to be of prime power if \(\deg \varphi = \ell ^m\) for some small prime \(\ell \).

We will make extensive use of the 2-isogeny \(\varphi _0: E_0 \rightarrow E_6\) with kernel \(\langle (i,0)\rangle \) and its dual \(\widehat{\varphi }_0: E_6 \rightarrow E_0\) with kernel \(\langle (0,0)\rangle \).

Supersingular isogeny-based cryptosystems build prime-power isogenies starting from a fixed curve. The starting curve originally adopted for SIDH protocols is \(E_0\), but since all power-of-2 isogenies leaving \(E_0\) must necessarily pass through the 2-isogenous curve \(E_6\), a recent trend pioneered by the SIKE scheme [1] is to adopt \(E_6\) as the starting curve instead.

An SIDH-style private key will thus be an isogeny \(\varphi : E_6 \rightarrow E\) of degree \(\lambda ^{e_\lambda }\), and the corresponding public key is, formally, a triple \((E, P := \varphi (P_6), Q := \varphi (Q_6))\) where \((P_6, Q_6)\) is a basis of \(E_6[\ell ^{e_\ell }]\), where \(\lambda \in \{2,q\}\) and \(\ell \in \{2,q\}\setminus \{\lambda \}\).

The basic idea of compressing public keys is to unambiguously specify a public basis (RS) for \(E[\ell ^{e_\ell }]\) and obtaining coefficients \(a, b, c, d \in \mathbb {Z}/\ell ^{e_\ell } \mathbb {Z}\) such that \(P = [a]R + [b]S\) and \(Q = [c]R + [d]S\). Since the dual isogeny \(\widehat{\varphi }: E \rightarrow E_6\) is readily available and efficiently applicable during key pair generation [11], this process can be equivalently stated on curve \(E_6\) itself. Namely, defining \(R_6 := \widehat{\varphi }(R)\) and \(S_6 := \widehat{\varphi }(S)\), that decomposition is equivalent to \(\widehat{\varphi }(P) = [\lambda ^{e_\lambda }]P_6 = [a]\widehat{\varphi }(R) + [b]\widehat{\varphi }(S) = [a]R_6 + [b]S_6\) and \(\widehat{\varphi }(Q) = [\lambda ^{e_\lambda }]Q_6 = [c]\widehat{\varphi }(R) + [d]\widehat{\varphi }(S) = [c]R_6 + [d]S_6\). Thus, if one can find \(\hat{a}, \hat{b}, \hat{c}, \hat{d} \in \mathbb {Z}/\ell ^{e_\ell }\mathbb {Z}\) such that

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} P_6 &{}=&{} [\hat{a}]R_6 + [\hat{b}]S_6,\\ Q_6 &{}=&{} [\hat{c}]R_6 + [\hat{d}]S_6, \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

the desired coefficients for the compressed public key might be obtained from these after multiplying them by the scale factor \(\lambda ^{e_\lambda }\). Yet, this is actually unnecessary, since those four coefficients would be further compressed into a triple (b/ac/ad/a) or (a/bc/bd/b) modulo \(\ell ^{e_\ell }\) anyway, eliminating the need for any scale factor.

With this in mind, we henceforth assume that basis \((R_6, S_6)\) has been prepared as outlined above, and we focus our attention to the specific task of finding \(\hat{a}\), \(\hat{b}\), \(\hat{c}\), and \(\hat{d}\) without any further reference to the private isogeny \(\varphi \) or its dual. Since we will also resort later to other curve models than Montgomery’s in our algorithms, this assumption will also help keeping all computations contained in separate, well-delimited realms.

Being able to efficiently compute discrete logarithms is thus at the core of key compression methods. We next review the Pohlig-Hellman discrete logarithm algorithm and ways of making it as close to optimal as currently viable.

3 The Pohlig-Hellman Algorithm

The Pohlig-Hellman method (Algorithm 3.1) to compute the discrete logarithm of \(P = [d]G\in \langle G\rangle \), where \(\langle G\rangle \) is a cyclic Abelian group of smooth order \(\ell ^m\), requires solving equations of form:

$$ [\ell ^{m - 1 - k}]P_k = [d_k]L $$

for \(k = 0, \dots , m-1\), where \(L := [\ell ^{m-1}]G\) has order \(\ell \), \(d_k \in \{0, \dots , \ell -1\}\) is the \(\ell \)-ary digit of d, \(P_0 := P\), and \(P_{k+1}\) depends on \(P_k\) and \(d_k\).

figure a

A simple improvement for Algorithm 3.1 would be to precompute a table \(\textsf {\text{ T }}[k][c] := [c]([\ell ^k]G)\) for all \(0 \le k < m\) and \(0 \le c < \ell \). This way, the condition on line 5, which essentially solves a discrete logarithm instance in the subgroup \(\langle L\rangle \) of small order \(\ell \), would read \(V_k = \textsf {\text{ T }}[m-1][d_k]\), and the second assignment on line 6 would read \(P_{k+1} \leftarrow P_k - \textsf {\text{ T }}[k][d_k]\) instead.

The running time of this algorithm is dominated by line 4 (and line 6 in the naive approach without tables), leading to an overall \(O(m^2)\) complexity as measured in basic group operations. Shoup [14, Chapter 11] shows that this approach is far from optimal, but although his RDL algorithm [14, Section 11.2.3] provides a framework targeting optimality, it lacks an effective strategy to attain it. A practical technique for that purpose has been proposed by Zanon et al. [18, Section 6] that uses so-called strategy graphs. We next recap that technique in Sect. 4, which was originally proposed in the context of finite field discrete logarithms. We subsequently show (Sects. 4.1 to 4.5) how to adapt it for the ECDLP case.

4 Strategy Graphs

Let \(\varDelta \) be a graph with vertices \(\{\varDelta _{j,k} \mid j \ge 0, \, k \ge 0, \, j + k \le m - 1\}\) (that is, a triangular grid). Each vertex has either two downward outgoing edges, or no edges at all. Vertices \(\varDelta _{j,k}\) with \(j + k < m - 1\) are called internal vertices and have two weighted edges: a left-edge \(\varDelta _{j,k} \rightarrow \varDelta _{j+1, k}\), and a right-edge \(\varDelta _{j,k} \rightarrow \varDelta _{j,k+1}\). All left-edges are assigned weight \(p > 0\) and all right-edges are assigned weight \(q > 0\). Vertices \(\varDelta _{j,k}\) with \(j + k = m - 1\) are leaves since they have no outgoing edges. Vertex \(\varDelta _{0,0}\) is called the root.

A subgraph of \(\varDelta \) that contains a given vertex v, all leaves that can be reached from v and no vertex that cannot be reached from v is called a strategy. A full strategy is a strategy that contains the root.

Notice that a strategy is not required to contain all vertices reachable from v, and is thus not necessarily unique. This establishes the optimal strategy problem, that consists of finding a full strategy of minimum weight. This problem can be solved with the De Feo et al. \(O(m^2)\) dynamic programming algorithm [7, Equation 5] or the Zanon et al. \(O(m \lg m)\) method [18, Algorithm 6.2]. The latter is quoted in Appendix A.1 for reference.

Strategy graphs lend themselves to efficient prime-power-degree isogeny calculation [7], and can also model potential variants of the Pohlig-Hellman algorithm in a prime-power-order Abelian group [17, 18]. Namely, an in-order traversal of a strategy spells out which operations are to be performed: left-edges correspond to multiplication by \(\ell \), and right-edges variously corresponds to applying \(\ell \)-isogenies in the former case, or to erasing one base-\(\ell \) digit from a discrete logarithm in the latter. Specifically in the solution of a discrete logarithm instance \(P = [d]G\), these edge operations associate the value \([\ell ^j](P - [d \bmod \ell ^k]G)\) to vertex \(\varDelta _{j,k}\) for all jk.

The reason this works is that, for those tasks, the overall calculation result (a prime-power-degree isogeny or a discrete logarithm) consists of a sequence of values computed at the leaves, and the value at each leaf depends only on the values computed at the leaves to its left. The original Pohlig-Hellman algorithm corresponds to a simple (non-optimal) traversal strategy whereby all \(m(m+1)/2\) left-edges (i.e. multiplications by \(\ell \)) are traversed top-down and left-to-right, while the only right-edges traversed (corresponding to the elimination of the least significant digits from the discrete logarithm being retrieved) are those on the rightmost diagonal of the strategy as a whole.

This idea is expressed in Algorithm 4.1, which is adapted from [17, 18, Section 6]. Its complexity, measured by the number of edges traversed in a balanced strategy whereby the left-edge and right-edge costs are equal (and hence the number of leaves at each side of the strategy vertices is the same), is defined by the recurrence \(T(m) = 2T(m/2) + m\) with \(T(1) = 0\), yielding the overall cost \(\varTheta (m\lg m)\) which is very close to the minimal \(\varTheta (m\lg m/\lg \lg m)\) complexity [15]. The cost of an optimal albeit unbalanced strategy can be shown to lie asymptotically close to this [7, Equation 9].

figure b

4.1 Choosing the Curve Model

Algorithm 4.1 makes extensive use of point multiplications by (powers of) \(\ell \) (line 3) and also point additions/subtractions (line 5). This makes the Montgomery model less suited for this task.

For the most important practical cases of \(\ell =2\) and \(\ell =3\), the (twisted) Edwards model [3] seems to be the most adequate, specifically inverted twisted Edwards coordinates for \(\ell =2\) and projective twisted Edwards coordinates for \(\ell =3\).

In the former case, with the adoption of inverted twisted Edwards coordinates point addition costs \(9\mathbf{m} + 1\mathbf{s} + 6\mathbf{a} \) (or \(8\mathbf{m} + 1\mathbf{s} + 6\mathbf{a} \) if one of the points is affine), and point doubling costs \(3\mathbf{m} + 4\mathbf{s} + 6\mathbf{a} \). In the latter case, projective twisted Edwards coordinates enable point addition at the cost \(10\mathbf{m} + 1\mathbf{s} + 6\mathbf{a} \) (or \(9\mathbf{m} + 1\mathbf{s} + 6\mathbf{a} \) if one of the points is affine), and point tripling [4], which is here more relevant than point doubling, costs \(9\mathbf{m} + 3\mathbf{s} + 9\mathbf{a} \).

4.2 Handling the Leaves

In a generalized, windowed implementation of Algorithm 4.1, that is, when expressing discrete logarithms in base \(\ell ^w\) for some \(w \geqslant 1\) instead of simply sticking to base \(\ell \), finding digits \(d_k \in \{0, \dots , \ell ^w-1\}\) in line 8 depends on efficiently looking up the point V in a table containing the whole subgroup \(\langle [\ell ^{m-w}]G\rangle \subset E(\mathbb {F}_p)\), which consists of \(\ell ^w\) elements. Since point V is typically available in projective coordinates as discussed in Sect. 4.1, lookup operations are not straightforward in the sense that hash table or binary search techniques are not available. This will incur extra costs that must be carefully minimized.

First, we observe that, since the whole \(\ell ^w\)-torsion is searched, lookups can be initially restricted to one of the coordinates, namely, the y-coordinate in the Edwards models, since for each such value there are no more than two points of form (xy) and \((-x, y)\) in the torsion. This reduces the table size in half.

Second, in either projective twisted or inverted twisted coordinates, the point comparisons are made between points of form [X : Y : Z] against points of form \([x' : y' : 1]\), and in both cases equality holds iff \(Y = y' \cdot Z\) and \(X = x' \cdot Z\), where the second comparison is performed exactly once after identifying the correct \(y'\). Since there are \(\lceil \ell ^w/2\rceil \) distinct values of \(y'\) and they are expected to occur uniformly, the expected number of \(\mathbb {F}_p\) multiplications is \(\lceil \ell ^w/4\rceil + 1\).

This cost limits the values of w that can be chosen in practice, but these coincide with the values that make table \(\textsf {\text{ T }}\) itself too large for practical deployment anyway [17, 18].

4.3 Windowing and Signed Digits

In order to reduce processing time, Algorithm 4.1 can be optimized to use a more general base \(\ell ^w\) to express the digits. This reduces the number of leaves of \(\varDelta \) from m to m/w. In this case, although the total cost of left edge traversals is unchanged (since each left traversal now involves computing w multiplications by \(\ell \)), the cost of right traversals is greatly reduced as we can now remove larger digits (i.e. digits modulo \(\ell ^w\)) at the same cost of removing a single digit modulo \(\ell \). This computation time reduction comes with an associated storage overhead because although the number of rows in table \(\textsf {\text{ T }}[k][c]\) is divided by w, the number of columns grows exponentially in w, i.e., \(\textsf {\text{ T }}[k][c] := [c]([\ell ^k]G)\) for all \(0 \le k < \lceil m/w \rceil \) and \(0 \le c < \ell ^w\).

A straightforward storage reduction by a factor of two can be achieved by using the technique of signed digits [10, Section 14.7.1], which requires storing only elements \(0 \le c \le \lfloor \ell ^w/2 \rfloor \) and then merely deciding whether to add or subtract the corresponding multiple of G. Note that storing the column corresponding to \(c=0\) is not needed in practice because 1) removing such digit is equivalent to subtracting the identity and no lookup is indeed required (remember that the discrete logarithm computation is not required to be constant time), and 2) testing if a leaf element corresponds to \(c=0\) reduces to a simple identity test. In this case, the number of columns is reduced by half since removing a negative digit is equivalent to subtracting the opposite of the table entry corresponding to the positive digit. Such storage reduction first appeared in the SIKE Round 3 submission [1] and was introduced by [9] in the context of key compression and was deployed in the official SIKE Round 3 implementation submitted to NIST. The above set of optimizations (adapted to elliptic curve discrete logarithms) is summarized by Algorithm 4.2.

figure c

4.4 Halving Storage Requirements for Windowed Traversal

One can obtain the storage needed by Algorithm 4.2 by directly counting the number of \(\mathbb {F}_p\) elements in table T[u][c], i.e., \(\#T = 2 (m / w) \lfloor \ell ^w/2 \rfloor \) elements.

Unfortunately, Algorithm 4.2 only works when w divides the exponent m, which is not the case in multiple SIKE parameters. For instance, in the ternary case (\(\ell =3\)) of SIKEp434 and SIKEp751 we have \(m=137\) and \(m=239\), respectively, which are prime exponents and no w works. To circumvent this issue, authors in [18] suggested a modification to the traverse algorithm that requires using a second table of the same size of T[u][c], imposing twice the storage.

We suggest a different approach that does not require an extra table and thus offers half of the storage of that proposed in [18] and adopted in subsequent works [11, 12] including the official SIKE submission to NIST [1]. In order to achieve such reduction, assume that \(m \equiv t \pmod w\) for any \(t<w\), and write the discrete logarithm of P with respect to G as \(d = q\ell ^{m-t} + r\) with \(0 \le q < \ell ^t\). Now, instead of invoking Algorithm 4.2 with the challenge P in the first argument we pass \([\ell ^t]P\) which is a point whose order has index \(m-t\) divisible by w. In this case, instead of recovering the full digit d, we get \(r = d \pmod {\ell ^{m-t}}\). Having r at hand, observe that the relation \(P - [r]G = [q]([\ell ^{m-t}]G)\) allows us to compare the point \(P - [r]G\) (which can be efficiently computed using the technique described later in Sect. 4.5) against a very small precomputed table containing the points \([q]([\ell ^{m-t}]G)\) for \(0\le q < \ell ^t\) in order to find the correct q. The original logarithm d can then be reconstructed with simple integer arithmetic. Also note that although this approach introduces an apparently extra small table, it also reduces the number of rows in table T[u][d] due to the smaller order of the discrete logarithm instance, i.e. \(\ell ^{m-t}\) instead of \(\ell ^m\). The storage of our method amounts to the following number of \(\mathbb {F}_p\) elements:

$$\begin{aligned} \#T= {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 2 \left( \frac{m}{w} \right) \lfloor \ell ^w/2\rfloor , &{} \text {if}\ t = 0\\ 2 \left( \frac{(m-t)}{w} \lfloor \ell ^w/2\rfloor + \ell ^t \right) , &{} \text {otherwise} \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

4.5 Shifted Multiplications by Scalar

Besides retrieving d such that \([d]G = P\), Algorithm 4.1 can be slightly modified to yield more useful information. Specifically, we will need points of form \([\lfloor d/\ell ^\sigma \rfloor ]G\) for certain values of \(\sigma > 0\), and although this could be carried out from the recovered value of d via multiplication by a scalar (d right-shifted by \(\sigma \) positions in base \(\ell \)), it would incur additional cost that can be mostly averted.

However, when traversing the rightmost diagonal of the strategy graph (characterized by \(j = 0\)), chunks of \(\ell \)-ary digits \(d_h\) from d are erased at line 5 (and implicitly at line 8 as well) by subtracting \([d_h]([\ell ^h]G)\) from V. Since the subtracted points overall sum up to the original point [d]G itself, for \(h \geqslant \sigma \) one could add chunks of points of form \([d_h]([\ell ^{h-\sigma }]G)\) at the same locations along the rightmost diagonal, preserve their sum H, and subtract \([\ell ^\sigma ]H\) at those locations instead. Since the erasure takes place at the branching points of the strategy graph and there are roughly \(\lg m\) (or \(\lg (m/w)\) in a windowed base-\(\ell ^w\) implementation) such locations along any path from the root to the leaves (including the rightmost diagonal), the additional cost incurred by this is roughly \(\sigma \lg m\) multiplications by \(\ell \) (in practice we will have \(\ell = 2\), meaning plain doublings) and \(\lg m\) additions, far less than the O(m) extra doublings and additions that would be incurred by a plain scalar multiplication.

The result (adapted for base-\(\ell ^w\)) is summarized in Algorithm 4.3, which performs the strategy graph traversal, and Algorithm 4.4, which computes the actual discrete logarithms.

figure d
figure e

5 Projecting Elliptic Discrete Logarithms

As set forth in Eq. 1, we are given two bases of \(\ell ^m\)-torsion on \(E_6\), \((R_6, S_6)\) and \((P_6, Q_6)\), the latter being fixed. Our task is to compute the coefficients \(\hat{a}, \hat{b}, \hat{c}, \hat{d} \in \mathbb {Z}/\ell ^m \mathbb {Z}\) such that \(P_6 = [\hat{a}]R_6 + [\hat{b}]S_6\) and \(Q_6 = [\hat{c}]R_6 + [\hat{d}]S_6\). We will do this by projecting the elliptic curve discrete logarithms onto cyclic subgroups of points defined over \(\mathbb {F}_p\), and to attain this goal, we will apply the trace map on carefully crafted torsion bases.

We will discuss the cases of odd \(\ell \) and \(\ell = 2\) separately, since the latter will require a somewhat different and more involved approach.

5.1 Handling Odd \(\ell \)

Let \(R_0 := \widehat{\varphi }_0(R_6)\), \(S_0 := \widehat{\varphi }_0(S_6)\), \(P_0 := \widehat{\varphi }_0(P_6)\), and \(Q_0 := \widehat{\varphi }_0(Q_6)\).

Let \(G \in E_0(\mathbb {F}_p)\) be a point of order \(\ell ^m\). Then G generates the whole \(\ell ^m\)-torsion in \(E_0(\mathbb {F}_p)\). Since the trace of a point on \(E_0\) is always in \(E_0(\mathbb {F}_p)\), we can write

$$ \begin{array}{lll} \text {tr}(R_0) = [\zeta _R]G, &{}\,&{} \text {tr}(\psi (R_0)) = [\xi _R]G,\\ \text {tr}(S_0) = [\zeta _S]G, &{}\,&{} \text {tr}(\psi (S_0)) = [\xi _S]G, \end{array} $$

for some \(\zeta _R, \zeta _S, \xi _R, \xi _S \in \mathbb {Z}/\ell ^m \mathbb {Z}\). These four discrete logarithms can be retrieved by applying Algorithm 4.4 (with \(\sigma = 0\), since we do not need the point H) to \(\langle G\rangle \).

Analogously, we can write

$$ \begin{array}{lll} \text {tr}(P_0) = [\mu _P]G, &{}\,&{} \text {tr}(\psi (P_0)) = [\nu _P]G,\\ \text {tr}(Q_0) = [\mu _Q]G, &{}\,&{} \text {tr}(\psi (Q_0)) = [\nu _Q]G, \end{array} $$

for some \(\mu _P, \mu _Q, \nu _P, \nu _Q \in \mathbb {Z}/\ell ^m \mathbb {Z}\). Since points \(P_0\) and \(Q_0\) are fixed, these discrete logarithms can be precomputed (in contrast with the previous four logarithms, which must be computed on demand).

With the above notation, applying the dual isogeny \(\widehat{\varphi }_0\) to the decomposition of \((P_6, Q_6)\) in base \((R_6, S_6)\) yields:

Applying the trace map to the system on the right and grouping scalar coefficients together yields:

Correspondingly, applying the distortion map and then the trace map to that system yields:

Overall we are left with two similar linear systems, one for \(\hat{a}\) and \(\hat{b}\), the other for \(\hat{c}\) and \(\hat{d}\):


$$ M := \left[ \begin{matrix} \zeta _R &{} \zeta _S \\ \xi _R &{} \xi _S \end{matrix} \right] \pmod {\ell ^m} $$

The formal solution of these systems is thus:




This solution, of course, requires \(D := \zeta _R\xi _S - \zeta _S\xi _R\) to be invertible mod \(\ell ^m\). This is the case for odd \(\ell \), for which Eqs. 3 and 4 completely solve the problem.

However, the same approach would not be complete for \(\ell = 2\). For any \(P_4 \in E_6[4]\), the composition of the 2-isogeny \(\widehat{\varphi }_0\) followed by the trace maps pairs of points \((R_6, R_6 + P_4)\) on \(E_6\) to the same point on \(E_0\), and analogously for \((S_6, S_6 + P_4)\).

Efficiently solving this ambiguity requires a slightly different approach, which we will describe next. Indeed, we propose two solutions for this case: one that is slightly simpler conceptually, but requires tables twice as large for Algorithm 4.4, and another one that is considerably more involved in its one-time precomputation (in fact, it relies on the first method for that task), but minimizes the table space.

5.2 Handling \(\ell =2\), First Solution

The ideal feature needed to use the trace map as a projection onto a cyclic subgroup of \(2^m\)-torsion would be a basis \((\tilde{P_6}, \tilde{Q}_6)\) where \(\text {tr}(\tilde{Q}_6) = \mathcal {O}\). However, this would require a point of form \(\tilde{Q}_6 = (-x_Q, i y_Q)\) with \(x_Q, y_Q \in \mathbb {F}_p\), or equivalently \((x_Q, y_Q) \in E_{-6}(\mathbb {F}_p)[2^m]\) of full order, and no such point exists (the maximum order one can get over \(\mathbb {F}_p\) is \(2^{m-1}\) [6, Lemma 1]).

Hence the best possible scenario is a basis \((\tilde{P_6}, \tilde{Q}_6)\) where \(\text {tr}([2]\tilde{Q}_6) = \mathcal {O}\), since this is compatible with the order restriction above. The fundamental constraint on \(\tilde{Q}_6\) is thus \([2]\tilde{Q}_6 = (-x_H, i y_H) = \tilde{\psi }(H)\) where \(H := (x_H, y_H) \in E_{-6}(\mathbb {F}_p)[2^m]\) is any point of order \(2^{m-1}\). In fact, the computation of discrete logarithms in \(\langle [2]\tilde{Q}_6\rangle \) or a subgroup thereof can actually be carried out in \(\langle H \rangle \) instead, with all arithmetic restricted to \(\mathbb {F}_p\).

Besides, we want to keep the arithmetic carried out in the computation of discrete logarithms restricted as much as possible to \(\mathbb {F}_p\). This constrains \(\tilde{P_6}\) to being not only of full order and satisfying \(\text {tr}([2]\tilde{P_6}) \ne \mathcal {O}\), but also \([2]\tilde{P_6} \in E_6(\mathbb {F}_p)\) even though \(\tilde{P_6} \in E_6(\mathbb {F}_{p^2}) \setminus E_6(\mathbb {F}_p)\). This is again compatible with the order restriction above.

With these constraints in mind, selecting a suitable basis \((\tilde{P_6}, \tilde{Q}_6)\) can be carried out as follows. Assume w.l.o.g. that basis \((P_6, Q_6)\) is such thatFootnote 1 \(Q_6\) is above (0, 0), while \(P_6\) is above a different point of order 2. Since we seek any point \(\tilde{Q}_6\) of full order with \(\text {tr}([2]\tilde{Q}_6) = \mathcal {O}\), we are free to look for a point of form

$$ \tilde{Q}_6 = P_6 - [\alpha ]Q_6 $$

for some \(\alpha \), since more general linear combinations of basis \((P_6, Q_6)\) would merely yield multiples of such a point or a similar one with the roles of \(P_6\) and \(Q_6\) reversed. This specific form also ensures that \(\tilde{Q}_6\) is a point of full order. Doubling and then taking the trace from both sides of this equation yields the constraint \(\mathcal {O} = \text {tr}([2]\tilde{Q}_6) = \text {tr}([2]P_6) - [\alpha ]\text {tr}([2]Q_6)\), that is:

$$ \text {tr}([2]P_6) = [\alpha ]\text {tr}([2]Q_6) $$

from which \(\alpha \pmod {2^{m-2}}\) can be uniquely determined, once and for all, by applying Algorithm 4.4 (with \(\sigma = 0\)) to \(\text {tr}([2]P_6) \in \langle \text {tr}([2]Q_6)\rangle \subset E_6(\mathbb {F}_p)\), and the same value of \(\alpha \) can be lifted to a valid solution \(\bmod \;2^m\).

From the above discussion it must hold that \([2]\tilde{Q}_6 = \tilde{\psi }(H)\) for \(H \in E_{-6}(\mathbb {F}_p)[2^m]\) of order \(2^{m-1}\). Because the points from \(E_{-6}\) of order 4 above (0, 0) are \((1, \pm 2i)\) [7, Section 4.3.2], which are clearly not in \(E_{-6}(\mathbb {F}_p)\), point H will necessarily be above one of the other points of order 2, and hence \(\tilde{Q}_6\) will not be above (0, 0) in \(E_6(\mathbb {F}_p)\). Since \(Q_6\) is chosen above (0, 0), the pair \((Q_6, \tilde{Q}_6)\) constitutes a basis of \(2^m\)-torsion.

We now seek \(\tilde{P_6}\) satisfying \([2]\tilde{P_6} \in E_6(\mathbb {F}_p)\) and \([2^{m-1}]\tilde{P_6} = (0, 0)\). These two conditions imply \(\text {tr}([2]\tilde{P_6}) = [4]\tilde{P_6} \ne \mathcal {O}\) (for \(m > 2\)) and the pair \((\tilde{P_6}, \tilde{Q}_6)\) constitutes a basis for \(E_6[2^m]\). Yet, finding \(\tilde{P_6}\) satisfying these constraints by trial and error is unlikely to be viable.

To overcome this obstacle, we express \(\tilde{P_6}\) in basis \((Q_6, \tilde{Q}_6)\) as

$$ \tilde{P_6} = [\beta ]Q_6 + [\gamma ]\tilde{Q}_6 $$

with the requirement that \(\text {tr}([2]\tilde{P_6}) = [4]\tilde{P_6} = [\beta ]\text {tr}([2]Q_6)\) be a point of \(2^{m-2}\)-torsion in \(E_6(\mathbb {F}_p)\). In other words, pick any point \(Q_6' \in E_6(\mathbb {F}_p)\) of order \(2^{m-2}\) above (0, 0) such that \(Q_6' \in \langle \text {tr}([2]Q_6)\rangle \), then simply choose \(\tilde{P_6}\) so that \([4]\tilde{P_6}\) coincides with \(Q_6'\). Now write

$$ Q_6' = [\beta ]\text {tr}([2]Q_6) $$

and retrieve the discrete logarithm \(\beta \pmod {2^{m-2}}\) to the same base as for \(\alpha \), again once and for all. Now observe that \([4]\tilde{P_6} - [4\beta ]Q_6 = Q_6' - [4\beta ]Q_6 = [\gamma ]([4]\tilde{Q}_6)\), and hence

$$ \tilde{\psi }(Q_6' - [4\beta ]Q_6) = [\gamma ]\tilde{\psi }([4]\tilde{Q}_6) $$

which constitutes a discrete logarithm instance in \(\langle \tilde{\psi }([4]\tilde{Q}_6)\rangle \subset E_{-6}(\mathbb {F}_p)\). Solving it reveals \(\gamma \pmod {2^{m-2}}\), once and for all as usual.

The last equation also shows that, although \(\beta \) is only determined \(\bmod \;2^{m-2}\), only the value \(4\beta \) is required to satisfy the constraints above, so that same value can be lifted and taken as representative \(\bmod \;2^m\). The same observation holds for \(\gamma \). This yields our choice \(\tilde{P_6}\) and completes the basis \((\tilde{P_6}, \tilde{Q}_6)\) we seek for \(E_6[2^m]\). This basis selection process is summarized in Algorithm 5.1.

figure f

Computing Logarithms with Basis \(\varvec{(\tilde{P_6}, \tilde{Q}_6)}\): Having found that special fixed basis, we reverse-decompose \((R_6, S_6)\) as:

$$ \left\{ \begin{array}{rcl} R_6 &{}=&{} [a']\tilde{P_6} + [b']\tilde{Q}_6\\ S_6 &{}=&{} [c']\tilde{P_6} + [d']\tilde{Q}_6 \end{array} \right. $$

Doubling and taking the trace from both sides yields:

whereby \(a', c' \pmod {2^{m-2}}\) are retrieved, and once they are known:

whereby \(b', d' \pmod {2^{m-2}}\) are similarly retrieved.

The computation of \(a'\) in \(\langle \text {tr}([2]\tilde{P_6})\rangle \) by means of Algorithm 4.4 with \(\sigma =2\) yields, as a by-product, the point \(P_a := [\lfloor a'/4 \rfloor ]\text {tr}([2]\tilde{P_6}) = [\lfloor a'/4 \rfloor ]([4]\tilde{P_6})\) which is almost the point \([4a']\tilde{P_6}\) needed for the computation of \(b'\), but not quite due to the loss of precision in \(\lfloor a'/4 \rfloor \). To compensate for it, simply set \(P_a \leftarrow P_a + [a' \bmod 4]\tilde{P_6}\), thereby ensuring that \([4]P_a = [4a']\tilde{P_6}\) at the cost of a single addition in \(E_6(\mathbb {F}_{p^2})\) if the points \([u]\tilde{P_6}\) for \(0 \leqslant u < 4\) are precomputed and stored in a small table. The same observations hold for the computation of \(d'\) from the by-product of \(c'\).

So far we only recovered \(a', b', c', d' \pmod {2^{m-2}}\), while we need these values \(\bmod \;2^m\) instead. The complete values only differ by the retrieved ones by some amount in \(D := \{k \cdot 2^{m-2} \mid 0 \leqslant k < 4\}\), that is, \(R_6 - [a']\tilde{P_6} - [b']\tilde{Q}_6 \in \{[u]\tilde{P_6} + [v]\tilde{Q}_6 \mid u, v \in D\}\), and similarly for \(S_6 - [c']\tilde{P_6} - [d']\tilde{Q}_6\). Notice that the multiples of \(\tilde{P_6}\) and \(\tilde{Q}_6\) are essentially the by-products \(P_a, P_b, P_c, P_d\) of the computations of \(a', b', c', d'\) (points \(P_b\) and \(P_d\) must of course be mapped from \(E_{-6}\) back to \(E_{6}\) via the \(\tilde{\psi }^{-1} = -\tilde{\psi }\) map).

Thus, the missing terms u and v can be recovered from a lookup table \(\mathsf {L}_6\), incurring four point subtractions overall plus the search cost similar to that discussed in Sect. 4.2. Here, however, the set of points being searched always contains 16 points, so there are 9 distinct values of the y-coordinate in the twisted Edwards model, and the search for y incurs between 1 and 8 \(\mathbb {F}_{p^2}\) multiplications, plus one more to determine the correct x for the retrieved y. In other words, the average search cost is \(5.5\,\mathbb {F}_{p^2}\) multiplications, or about \(16.5\,\mathbb {F}_p\) multiplications, and it never exceeds \(27\,\mathbb {F}_p\) multiplications. Also, table \(\mathsf {L}_6\) only consists of 9 points, since the other ones are just the opposite of these.

This completely recovers the \(a', b', c', d'\) scalar factors, and a plain change of basis from \((\tilde{P_6}, \tilde{Q}_6)\) to \((P_6, Q_6\)) yields \(\hat{a}, \hat{b}, \hat{c}, \hat{d}\) as desired. This whole method is summarized in Algorithm 5.2.

figure g

This method requires computing logarithms in \(\langle \text {tr}([2]\tilde{P_6})\rangle \subset E_6(\mathbb {F}_p)\) and \(\tilde{\psi }([4]\tilde{Q}_6) \subset E_{-6}(\mathbb {F}_p)\). Therefore, two distinct tables would be required for Algorithm 4.4. We show next how to avoid this, thereby restricting all logarithm computations to a single subgroup over \(\mathbb {F}_p\) with a somewhat more sophisticated method.

5.3 Handling \(\ell =2\), Second Solution

Our second solution involves mapping the discrete logarithm instances to curve \(E_0\), where an efficient distortion map is available and enables using a single table for a subgroup of \(E_0(\mathbb {F}_p)\) for all of those instances. However, a few obstacles must be overcome.

Namely, in this setting Algorithm 4.4 can only determine logarithms \(\bmod \;2^{m-4}\) or \(\bmod \;2^{m-3}\), since the composition of the 2-isogeny between \(E_0\) and \(E_6\) with its dual introduces an extra factor 2 where one has already been placed by construction or indirectly by the trace map, thereby mapping to a point of incomplete order. This is slightly worse than our first solution, but more importantly, completing the values must still be done in \(E_6\) where \(a', b', c', d'\) are properly defined, and the strategy graph traversal will no longer yield scalar multiples of points in \(E_6\). Besides, if a change of basis is required to test the partial logarithms, it is likely to incur further point multiplications by scalars, introducing even more computational overhead.

We address these issues, coping with the incompleteness of computed discrete logarithms while avoiding multiplications by large scalars, by carefully picking a basis \((P_0, Q_0)\) for \(E_0[2^m]\) and a matching basis \((P_6^*, Q_6^*)\) for \(E_6[2^m]\) satisfying several constraints:

  • \(P_0\) must be a point of full order above (i, 0), the generator of the kernel of the 2-isogeny \(\varphi _0\), that is, \([2^{m-1}]P_0 = (i, 0)\), so that \(\varphi _0(P_0)\) is a point of order exactly \(2^{m-1}\) (NB: \(P_0\) cannot be taken from \(E_0(\mathbb {F}_p)\) since the only point of order 2 in \(E_0(\mathbb {F}_p)\) is (0, 0));

  • \(Q_0 := [2]P_0 - \text {tr}(P_0)\), which is a point of trace zero, must satisfy \(Q_0 = -\psi (\text {tr}(P_0))\) which lies above (0, 0) (NB: this specific choice is what enables using a single table to compute logarithms);

  • \(P_6^*\) must be such that \([2]P_6^*= \varphi _0(P_0)\), so that \(\varphi _0(\langle P_0 \rangle ) \subset \langle P_6^*\rangle \) (NB: it is not possible for \(P_6^*\) to be defined as \(\varphi _0(P_0)\) itself because \(P_0\) is chosen above a point in the kernel of the isogeny, and hence its image will not be a point of full order);

  • \(Q_6^*:= \varphi _0(Q_0)\) (NB: since \(Q_0\) is not above the generator of the kernel of \(\varphi _0\), \(Q_6^*\) is a point of full order \(2^m\)).

While points \(Q_0\) and \(Q_6^*\) are trivially determined, finding suitable points \(P_0\) and \(P_6^*\) is not trivial. We now show how to find these. Notice that the following computations are only required once, that is, all of these points are fixed and can be precomputed.

Finding \(\varvec{P_0}\): Pick any point \(P_2 \in E_0[2^m]\) of full order above (i, 0). Then \(Q_2 := \psi (\text {tr}(P_2)) \in E_0[2^m]\) is a linearly independent point of full order and trace zero. We can express \(\text {tr}(P_2)\) itself in basis \((P_2, Q_2)\) as \(\text {tr}(P_2) = [u]P_2 + [v]Q_2\) for some \(u, v \in \mathbb {Z}/2^m \mathbb {Z}\). Taking the trace from both sides of this equation yields \([2]\text {tr}(P_2) = [u]\text {tr}(P_2)\), from which we retrieve \(u=2\pmod {2^m}\). Besides, applying the distortion map to that same equation and regrouping terms yields \(\psi ([2]P_2 - \text {tr}(P_2)) = [v]\text {tr}(P_2)\), from which we retrieve the discrete logarithm \(v\pmod {2^m}\). Notice that v must be odd, since \(\psi ([2]P_2 - \text {tr}(P_2))\) is a point of full order.

We now seek a point \(P_0\) such that \([2]P_0 - \text {tr}(P_0) = -\psi (\text {tr}(P_0))\). Write \(P_0 = [\alpha ]P_2 + [\beta ]Q_2\) for some \(\alpha \), \(\beta \), and notice that \(\text {tr}(P_0) = [\alpha ]\text {tr}(P_2) = [2\alpha ]P_2 + [v\alpha ]Q_2\). Then \([2]P_0 - \text {tr}(P_0) = [2\alpha ]P_2 + [2\beta ]Q_2 - [2\alpha ]P_2 - [v\alpha ]Q_2 = [2\beta - v\alpha ]Q_2\), while \(-\psi (\text {tr}(P_0)) = -\psi ([\alpha ]\text {tr}(P_2)) = -[\alpha ]Q_2\), and hence \([2]P_0 - \text {tr}(P_0) = -\psi (\text {tr}(P_0)) \Rightarrow [2\beta - v\alpha ]Q_2 = -[\alpha ]Q_2 \Rightarrow [2\beta - v\alpha + \alpha ]Q_2 = \mathcal {O}\), that is, \(2\beta - v\alpha + \alpha = 0 \pmod {2^m}\) or simply \(\beta = \alpha (v - 1)/2 \pmod {2^m}\), where the division \((v - 1)/2\) is exact because v is odd. Since any point \(P_0\) satisfying this constraint is equally suitable, we simply take \(\alpha = 1\) and \(\beta = (v - 1)/2\), that is, we choose \(P_0 := P_2 + [(v - 1)/2]Q_2\). This process is summarized in Algorithm 5.3.

figure h
figure i

Finding \(\varvec{P_6^*}\): Find a basis \((\tilde{P_6}, \tilde{Q}_6)\) as prescribed in Sect. 5.2 (Algorithm 5.1). Since all that is required from \(P_6^*\) is that \([2]P_6^*= \varphi _0(P_0)\), we can write \(\varphi _0(P_0) = [u']\tilde{P_6} + [v']\tilde{Q}_6\), solve the discrete logarithms for \(u'\) and \(v'\) (which must be both even since \(\varphi _0(P_0)\) is a point of order \(2^{m-1}\)), and then choose \(P_6^*:= [u'/2]\tilde{P_6} + [v'/2]\tilde{Q}_6\). This process is summarized in Algorithm 5.4.

Computing Logarithms with Bases \(\varvec{(P_0, Q_0)}\) and \(\varvec{(P_6^*, Q_6^*)}\): Algorithm 5.5 computes the decomposition of a point on \(E_0[2^m]\) in the special basis \((P_0, Q_0)\) precomputed by Algorithm 5.3, and also points \(P_a^*= [\lfloor a^*/4\rfloor ]P_0\), \(P_b^*= [\lfloor b^*/4\rfloor ]\text {tr}(P_0)\).

figure j

Analogously, algorithm 5.6 computes the decomposition of a point on \(E_6[2^m]\) in the special basis \((P_6^*, Q_6^*)\) precomputed by Algorithm 5.4. It does so by mapping the given discrete logarithm instance \(R_6 \in E_6\) to a related instance \(R_0 \in E_0\) via the dual isogeny \(\widehat{\varphi }_0\), and then decomposing this instance in the special basis \((P_0, Q_0)\), which is precomputed by Algorithm 5.3. The careful choice of this basis enables restricting the computations to a single subgroup of \(E_0(\mathbb {F}_p)\) of full order. The obtained decomposition is finally mapped back from \(E_0\) to \(E_6\) via the isogeny \(\varphi _0\). The isogeny evaluations only allow for a partial recovery of the desired logarithms, but the complete solution can now be retrieved at low cost by a lookup in a small table \(\mathsf {L}_6^*\) of 9 entries, analogous to the \(\mathsf {L}_6\) table used in the first solution. The search overhead is the same as for the first solution for \(\ell = 2\), namely, about \(16.5\,\mathbb {F}_p\) multiplications on average, and no more than \(27\,\mathbb {F}_p\) multiplications in any case.

figure k

6 Experimental Results

Table 1 lists the average cost to decompose one point from \(E_6(\mathbb {F}_{p^2})\) in basis \((\tilde{P_6},\tilde{Q}_6)\), when Algorithm 5.2 is set to retrieve discrete logarithm digits in base 2, base \(2^3\), base \(2^4\) and base \(2^6\) (that is, with windows of size \(w=1\), \(w=3\), \(w=4\), and \(w=6\), respectively) for the official SIKE parameters. Fluctuations occur because, since a constant-time implementation is hardly needed for operations involving purely public information, one can omit dummy operations like point additions or multiplications by zero. Results are averaged over 1000 random discrete logarithm instances.

Table 1. Average cost of Algorithm 5.2 (in \(\mathbb {F}_p\) multiplications) and (two) tables size (in \(\# \mathbb {F}_{p^2}\) elements) to compute \(a', b' \pmod {2^m}\) such that \(R_6 = [a']\tilde{P_6} + [b']\tilde{Q}_6\) for a random \(R_6 \in E_6(\mathbb {F}_{p^2})[2^m]\).

Table 2 lists the corresponding costs for Algorithm 5.6. We see that the greater complexity of this method has a detectable effect on its cost, but it is quite modest compared to Algorithm 5.2: 0.8%–1.3% for \(w=1\), 2.3%–4.0% for \(w=3\), and 4.7%–8.4% for \(w=6\).

Table 2. Average cost of Algorithm 5.6 (in \(\mathbb {F}_p\) multiplications) and table size (in \(\# \mathbb {F}_{p^2}\) elements) to compute \(a^*, b^*\pmod {2^m}\) such that \(R_6 = [a^*]P_6^*+ [b^*]Q^*\) for a random \(R_6 \in E_6(\mathbb {F}_{p^2})[2^m]\).

Table 3 lists the costs for Algorithm 4.4 applied to \(\ell =3\) for its practical importance. Only values \(w = 1\), \(w = 3\), and \(w = 4\) are listed; larger values would increase the table size without substantially improving processing efficiency (indeed, if w is too large we expect the overhead to exceed the gains anyway). However, in this case the costs are reported to decompose the whole basis \((P_6, Q_6)\) in basis \((R_6, Q_6)\), not just for one point, given the subtle difference between the methods for even and odd \(\ell \).

Table 3. Average cost of Algorithm 4.4 (in \(\mathbb {F}_p\) multiplications) to compute \(\hat{a}, \hat{b}, \hat{c}, \hat{d} \pmod {3^n}\) such that \(P_6 = [\hat{a}]R_6 + [\hat{b}]S_6\) and \(Q_6 = [\hat{c}]R_6 + [\hat{d}]S_6\) for \(P_6, Q_6 \in E_6(\mathbb {F}_{p^2})[3^n]\).

Direct comparisons with methods like [11] are hard, since we count basic operations in the underlying field \(\mathbb {F}_p\) and developed our implementation in Magma, while that work only lists clock cycles for a C/assembly implementation.

Yet, one can make reasonably precise estimates of the joint cost of computing pairings and discrete logarithms with those techniques. When estimating the multiplications incurred without precomputed pairing tables, we assume the costs of the pairing algorithms from [18] which appear to be the most efficient currently available.

Results are summarized on Table 4. In all cases we list the results adopting \(w=3\) for the \(2^m\)-torsion discrete logarithms, and \(w=4\) for the \(3^n\)-torsion, to match the implementation in [11] and ensure the discrete logarithm tables take the same spaceFootnote 2.

Table 4. Average \(\mathbb {F}_p\) multiplication counts of joint pairing and discrete logarithm computation from [11] and our pairingless method, for SIKEp751 (\(m=372\), \(n=239\)).

Finally, we compare the storage requirements of our proposals, as measured equivalently either in \(E(\mathbb {F}_p)\) points or in \(\mathbb {F}_{p^2}\) elements, with prior techniques.

In general, Algorithm 4.1 and its variants (Algorithm 4.2 and 4.3) require tables of sizes given by Eq.  2. Thus, for instance, in the case of SIKEp751 this means \(8\cdot \lceil 372/4\rceil =744\) elements (points over \(E(\mathbb {F}_p)\)) for the \(2^m\)-torsion and \(w=4\), and \(13\cdot (239-2)/3 + 3^2=1036\) elements for the \(3^n\)-torsion with \(w=3\).

By contrast, both [11] and [18], which do not use the techniques we describe in Sects. 4.3 and 4.4, need up to four times as much space: \(2^w\lceil m/w\rceil \) (resp. \(3^w\lceil n/w\rceil \)) elements if \(w \mid m\) (resp. \(w \mid n\)), and twice as much for two separate sets of tables for each torsion if \(w \not \mid m\) (resp. \(w \not \mid n\)). Thus, at the time of writing the official SIKEp751 implementation, which builds upon those two research works, takes \(16 \cdot 372/4 = 1488\) elements for the \(2^m\)-torsion and \(w=4\) (so \(w \mid m\)), and \(2 \cdot 27 \cdot \lceil 239/3\rceil = 4320\) elements for the \(3^n\)-torsion with \(w=3\) (so \(w \not \mid m\)).

Besides, in general the \(T_{P_2}\) and \(T_{Q_2}\) precomputed pairing tables as defined in [11, Section 5.3] require \(6(m-1)\) \(\mathbb {F}_p\) elements altogether, while the \(T_P\) table as defined in [11, Section 5.4] requires space equivalent to that of \(3(n-1) + 2\) \(\mathbb {F}_{p^2}\) elements (albeit in the form of individual \(\mathbb {F}_p\) elements). For instance, for SIKEp751 this means \((372-1)\cdot 3 = 1113\) \(\mathbb {F}_{p^2}\) elements for \(T_{P_2}\) and \(T_{Q_2}\) together, and \((239-1)\cdot 6 + 4 = 1432\) \(\mathbb {F}_p\) elements for table \(T_P\), equivalent to 716 \(\mathbb {F}_{p^2}\) elements. Our techniques require none of that. This is summarized on Table 5. The storage requirements of our technique are less than 29% of the state of the art for the \(2^m\)-torsion, and about 21% for the \(3^n\)-torsion.

Table 5. Storage requirements, measured in \(E(\mathbb {F}_p)\) points or equivalently in \(\mathbb {F}_{p^2}\) elements for SIKEp751 (\(m=372\), \(n=239\)).

7 Discussion and Conclusion

Apart from initialization, both the method for odd \(\ell \) in Sect. 5.1 and the second method for \(\ell =2\) in Sect. 5.3 require each a single table for all calls to Algorithm 4.4, that is, they are carried out in the same torsion group over \(\mathbb {F}_p\).

As a consequence, those constructions require essentially the same table space as needed for discrete logarithms in \(\mathbb {F}_{p^2}^*\), but no tables as required to speedup the computation of pairings as suggested in [11], since we avoid pairings altogether. Trade-offs between table size and processing speed are possible, particularly the windowed approach discussed in [18, Section 6.1].

We remark that solving two instances of the discrete logarithm in a subgroup of \(E_0(\mathbb {F}_p)\) is computationally less expensive than solving a single instance in a subgroup of \(E_0(\mathbb {F}_{p^2})\), given that the relative cost of the arithmetic over those fields is essentially the only difference between the two scenarios. This shows that adapting Teske’s algorithm [16] to a strategy graph-based approach, thereby retrieving both u and v at once while keeping the number of group operations potentially the same as that of Algorithm 4.4, would incur not only an already larger computational cost due to the contrast between \(\mathbb {F}_p\) and \(\mathbb {F}_{p^2}\) arithmetic, but the precomputed tables themselves would have to be quadratically larger to cope with computing pairs of digits at once.

In this context, Sutherland’s algorithm [15] extends Teske’s approach and promises to be asymptotically faster, but it is far more involved in the way it retrieves the digits of a discrete logarithm. It is unclear how that method could avoid the larger cost of \(\mathbb {F}_{p^2}\) arithmetic, nor how large the underlying group would have to be for the asymptotic speedup to overcome the corresponding overhead, nor even whether precomputed tables could be made any smaller than what Teske’s method would require. For these reasons, neither of these two approaches seems practical for the task at hand.

We have thus described methods to compute discrete logarithms in the elliptic curve torsion groups of the starting curves in SIDH-style cryptosystems, as required to compress the corresponding public keys. Our methods do not rely on bilinear pairings, yet their efficiency is comparable to the best available pairing-based methods while vastly reducing the storage space needed for pairing computations. The table storage needed for discrete logarithm computation is essentially the same required for discrete logarithms in the \(\mathbb {F}_{p^2}\) finite field over which the curves are defined, the excess space being constant and very small, limited to just a few extra points.