1 Correction to: Acta Geochim https://doi.org/10.1007/s11631-019-00319-z

In the original publication, there are some missing data in Table 1 and incorrect data in Table 2.

The correct data in Table 1 for Striegau/Strzegom, Poland, and the correct data in Table 2 for fitting parameter B2 in Granites, validated are provided in this correction article.

Table 1 Experimental base: solvus data for pegmatites and granites, obtained from melt inclusions in quartz (and topaz) using the rapid quench cold-seal pressure vessel technique
Table 2 Fitting parameter for the solvus curves in normalized coordinates

In the second paragraph in subsection 2.2 in the sixth line starting with “Ehrenfriedersdorf pegmatite system…”, the text inside brackets should be read as see Fig. 7 (not as see Fig. 6a, b); also, in the fourth paragraph in the same section, the first line starting with “The formation of inclusions such as shown in …” should be read as Fig. 7 not as 7a, b.